powered conveyors


   The applying extent of live-roller is larger than that of belt conveyors. It can be used in accumulation, divergence, confluence and comparatively heavy loadings. Besides, it is also extensively used in environment which is wet, oil and with high or low temperature. These applications can use different driven patterns to meet the requirements. Here is a brief introduction to different kinds of driven patterns:

(1) Flat-belt-driven Live Roller

   The structure of the Flat-belt-driven Live Roller is the similar to that of belt conveyors. However, a row of carrying rollers are equipped on the belt and a pressure roller below to regulate the intensity degree.

P 3-21 belt driven roller conveyor

P 3-22 section picture


    As is the same with gravity roller, the choosing of the carrying roller is related to the interval. Pressure roller located between the two carrying rollers can be regulated up and down to increase or decrease the driven power of the loading. For example, if the cotton box is in the divergence region, the pressure roller must be regulated higher to increase the driven power. Generally speaking, the regulation of the pressure roller is to reach the least tension and maintain the moving of the items. As the width of the belt has nothing to do with the surface of the transported items, narrow belt can be used. The width of the belt depends on the effective belt pull. The widest width of the belt depends on the rollers on the end and the interval between driven units.


BP=Belt pull (kg)

 F=friction factor(10%)

L=loading (kg)

B=belt weight (kg)

R=roller weight (kg)

θ=declination angle

I=the weight loaded on the declination angle(kg)

D=the heaviest weight of the loading deflection(kg)

EBP=BP?.25 (kg)


efficient=belt transmission efficient×the reducer efficient

The biggest inclination angle is 5 degree. If larger, the item should be tested.

(2) V-belt driven roller

   The way to drive v-belt is the same as that of the flat-belt. However, flat-belt is changed into v-belt and the pressure wheel is changed into pressure roller equipped on the side of the framework. V-belt is mainly used for comparatively light loading and short-distance conveyors. It is better to use formed circle v-belt to get better intensity and long lifespan.

    V-belt driven roller is suitable for turning and conjunction section for it can reach elasticity deformation along with the curve. Furthermore, using the same power and v-belt can brig along turning and conjunction modules besides the direct modules.

P 3-23 v-belt driven roller

     Powered conveyors  Powered chain conveyor  Chain-driven Roller  Gravity Conveyor 
