A surveillance gear operator is most concerned about is the goal, you may find the spy equipment installation techniques. Therefore, the physical device is sometimes necessary to observe.
Physical examination spy gear installed by monitoring operational risk exposure operation. Therefore, the objective technical surveillance threats, you can use this information to determine who is to conduct monitoring. If a suspect under the surveillance of any kind, should be careful to avoid the disclosure of knowledge and technology of espionage equipment installation. Alert a monitoring group to install spy gear on the knowledge, may have serious consequences. A good gear operator will periodically check the monitor installed spy gear. Of espionage equipment, motion detection and operational capacity to allow activation of the device from a remote location. This allows to extend the battery life of spy gear. In addition, the target information can be collected in an operator's discretion and time. Sometimes spyware can be installed on the target device's home, office or even the target vehicle, the gear operator must be able to control enable and disable the device as the goal, moving from one location to another. Use of technical espionage gear goal is to feature a long time monitoring gear. Regular checks of the potential risk of exposure to gear technology operations. Some technical spy agencies monitoring technology is vulnerable to counter measures, equipment run-time. This is because the spy equipment is often in a specific radio frequency range, this is the appropriate counter surveillance gear to detect transmission. This is a difficult test equipment, equipment, not operational. Therefore, the need for other measures.