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Agro Industry

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 Agro is taken from a Greek word agros, meaning field. It implies agriculture.  With the advance in technology the agro industry has also advanced and India is still making significant advances in this field.

In the early years agriculture was done with the power of hand. Oxen and horses were used for power, sowing was done by hand, threshing with flail and grain cutting with sickle. With the advance in technology, in the early years of 1900, geared tractors were used for extensive farming. In 1915 enclosed gears developed for tractors and thereafter gears became an important part of the agro industry.

All agro machinery consists of different types of gears depending upon their function and property. Different gears are used differently in the industry.
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Spur gears - Transmit power in applications utilizing parallel shafts. They are also used as fuel pumps.

Helical gears - Transmit power between parallel and non-intersecting applications.

Racks - They are used for linear rotary power motion.

Pinion gears - connect shafts of motors on reducers.

Worm gears - Worm is used as vertical shaft threaded with small pitch angle from the horizontal.

Sprockets - Engages the link of a chain in the tractor.

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Gear Applications
Gears Types
Axel Positioning Gears
Gear Material
Gear Drives
Gear Drive Classification
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